
Oasi Zegna

Our Road to tomorrow began with a vision and a dream our founder had, igniting a legacy of environmental protection and sustainability that has lasted for over 110 years. Long before the word ecosystem was widely known, Ermenegildo Zegna began creating the ecosystem known today as Oasi Zegna. He intuitively recognised that the complex and beautiful fabrics his mill produced were a reflection of Zegna Group’s greater purpose and the home of our values. Yet his vision went beyond industry, dedicating himself to the local environment and landscape and daring to launch an extensive reforestation project in the barren mountainside surrounding his mill in the Biella Alps of Piedmont, Northern Italy.

30 times the size of Central Park, NY

Oasi Zegna is a nature reserve that stretches 100 km2 from Trivero to the peaks of the Biella Alps in Northern Italy.

He began planting more than 500,000 trees over the years with the goal of enriching the territory and nearby community, where relationships between man, mountain, culture, and nature could be preserved for the benefit of generations to come. By placing his mill at the heart of a much wider community, he promoted and supported the creation of the Panoramica Zegna Road, now public and known as 232 road, and later Oasi Zegna, through painstaking reforestation work, creating a sustainable interdependence.

Since the 1930s, Zegna has
planted over 500,000 trees.

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